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Update: 2nd December 2024


Unforunately we have already had to close our books for Firewwod for this season.    This is a result of the first 6 months of the year being so wet, it made it incredibly difficult for us to extract and dry wood, and we only have enough left to honour any exisiting orders.    Sorry fo any disappointment that this causes.


Thanks as ever for your custom and hope to see you soon.


Kind Regards,


Matt, Claudia and Family


We produce our firewood through the sustainable management and coppicing of the Woodlands at Hylands and other local woods, using our heavy horses as the primary method of extracting the timber.  This is possibly the most environmentally sensitive and wildlife friendly way of producing timber, and proceeds from the sales of the wood go towards helping to look after our rare-breed horses and further management of our local Woodlands, which will help protect them for future generations.


As the logs have minimal transportation, and have been naturally seasoned as far as  possible so that they have a very small carbon footprint in their production.   Our firewood is all quality hardwoods including hornbeam, ash, oak, hazel and sycamore, all of which are excellent for burning and suitable for open fires and wood burners.  Burning wet wood is inefficient and polluting, and our logs won't leave the yard until they are under 20% moisture content, avoiding the use of a kiln as far as possible by using the wind and the sun to naturally and sustainably dry your fuel.  However we also have kiln facilities available to ensure every delivery arrives dry and ready for you to burn.  When we do need to "kiln finish" our logs, we use offcuts of wood from the log production process and burn them in a specilised contianerised kiln.   This is by far the most efficient and environmentally friendly way of ensuring you logs reach you dry and ready to burn whatever the British weather has in store!


We deliver loose logs in approximately 1 cubic metre loads for £150 (inc VAT), or approximately 2 cubic metre for £290 (inc VAT) with free delivery within a 10 mile radius of Hylands Park and this includes a free bag of kindling.   This area is shown below, and please only book online if you are inside this zone.  If you are outside of this area and are an exisiting customer, then please order as you usually would.  However as of Jan 2024 we are unfortunately not taking on any more customers from outside this zone.



Delivery Radius Map.jpg

Our logs are cut to approximately 25cm (10 inches) and split to a size that is suitable for the vast majority of log burners.  There will be a range of sizes within the load to give you logs that are suitable for starting your fire and larger ones for a longer burn.  Each cubic metre transported in 4 "Barrow Bags" that allow us to deliver them directly into your back garden, garage, shed or similar where there is step-free access.  We can then empty the bags at the most convenient point for you, and avoids the common problem of having logs tipped on your driveway and you then having to move them again.  We deliver these in a small 4x4 which can easily access most driveways.
















If you have a particualrly small wood burner, or you feel that 1m3 is too much, we can also provide log nets.  These are smaller and more regularly sized logs and are also ideal for chimeneas or pizza ovens.  These are available in deliveries of 15 or 25 at a time at a cost of £8 each with free delivery in the same zone.









We aim to make the whole process as smooth and as easy for you as possible, and we are just an email away if you have any questions.


You can now order and pay online using the link below, selecting a 1 hour delivery slot that is suitable for you. The delivery slot is 1 hour from the time you chose, so a for example a 5pm delivery may arrive anytime between 5pm and 6pm.  We do ask that you are home for the first delivery that we make to you, but after this we can deliver when you are not home for future order.  Please use the delivery notes to give details to help us find you if your property is difficult to find or give any other details, or let us know if you are going to be out.





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